Sunday, January 5, 2014

ED 722 - Storify and the Future of STEM Education in New Haven

As part of the first week's assignment for my new IT&DML course, ED 722 - Distance Learning, Trends, Issues, and Practices, I was assigned to create a Storify.  Although I was not familiar with Storify before this assignment, it was pretty easy to complete the assignment after looking at a few examples and completing the tutorial.  I even shared the new tool with my husband and we brainstormed ideas where he could use it for his students, since he is a high school counselor.

When I realized what the basic concept of Storify was, I immediately knew the topic I wanted my Storify to focus on since it is a topic near and dear to my heart.  The primary reason for me completing the 6th year certification program in IT&DML was to equip myself with the knowledge that I can pass on to my students to prepare them for the evolving STEM focused society we live in today.  While teaching for New Haven public schools these past five years, I have seen a variety of technologies and initiatives come into and out of my school and classroom.  I was excited to watch a short clip of the city's new mayor, Toni Harp, and her inaugural address where she demonstrated the need to better educate our students in STEM areas.

Hopefully I will complete the IT&DML program and be able to help my school district develop and implement curriculum and instruction that will give our students the necessary skills to succeed.  In addition, I look forward to using Storify for future assignments.  I plan to share the resource with my fellow teachers at my school and encourage them to integrate this tool and other technology resources into their lessons.

STEM for K-12 Education in New Haven, CT on Storify

1 comment:

  1. I just had time to skim this but I can't wait to read it fully!
