Saturday, July 5, 2014

ED 7730 E-Portfolios Part II: My Own E-Portfolio

I was asked to write a blog post about what I think my e-portfolio should include for my IT&DML course.  As I read through the materials provided that gave me an overview on e-portfolios, I began thinking about the purpose of my e-portfolio.  Would I want the e-portfolio to demonstrate growth over the course or would I want to demonstrate my mastery on a variety of topics?

The coordinator of the IT&DML program, Ian O'Byrne has constantly stated that we are the experts now in the field by completing these courses.  With that in mind, I think it would be more beneficial for me to demonstrate how I am an expert in the field by creating an e-portfolio that provides examples of my projects and work I completed in the area of instructional technology and digital media literacy.  It would allow me to demonstrate what I can do, while promoting the IT&DML course at UNH.

To take it a step further, I can look at the different 21st century learning skills that I want my students to be proficient in prior to graduating high school.  I could create an e-portfolio that has artifacts from each of the learning skills that I completed.  In addition, I could use my e-portfolio as a example that my students could reference when they create their own e-portfolios.  Modeling is an instructional strategy that many students benefit from and my e-portfolio could be used as a model.

As I begin to apply for position as digital integration and instructional technology specialist positions, I realize how beneficial it would be for me to have an e-portfolio to present to an interview board.  I have answered many questions on application forms about projects and work I have completed in the field.  I cannot begin to tell you how many times I wish there was one link I could send out that would provide all the information.  My e-portfolio could be just that, a reference for future employers to see what I can do and what I can bring to their school district to teach the staff and the students. 

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