Friday, March 14, 2014

Revised Distance Learning Medium Review - Engrade ED 722

Have you ever thought that you were almost done with a project or assignment online and then realize that something has changed and you have to revamp something that you thought was almost complete?  Well that is exactly what happened to me when I went to make minor tweaks to my distance learning medium review. I went back to my distance learning site and found out that McGraw-Hill Education acquired Engrade.  The following is the link to the press release about the acquisition:  Engrade Press Release.

After reading the press release and looking into the site a little more, I realized that McGraw-Hill Education and Engrade merged to create an online platform similar to Powerschool and other resources available for not only teachers, but also entire school districts.  The site still offers the free gradebook resource for teachers where they can create classes, quizzes and other tools that can enhance their students' learning through online resources.  It also now provides schools an opportunity to combine curriculum, assessments, and other areas of instruction into one online platform.  This option is available using the Pro account, which school districts can purchase for a price depending on the number of users.

I decided to redo my tutorial on using Engrade, since the look of the site changed and the there is a new option for school districts to purchase a Pro account.  The recording of the tutorial was actually a lot easier this time around because I have used screencast-o-matic a few times since the initial tutorial recording.  My new tutorial only covers how to sign in to Engrade and create a new class.  The following is a link to the video tutorial:  

I have also added the tutorial to my learning hub at the following link: Mrs. Ferry's Tech to Teach - Engrade Tutorial

The tutorial can also be found on the Digital Text and Tools site at the following link:  Engrade - Tech Tutorial

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Elizabeth for this tutorial. Engrade seem like a great free tool for teachers to track student grades and progress. I love that students can also sign in to view their grades and progress. Your tutorial was very clear and well presented.
